Mission & Vision
Mission & Vision Statement
Our Mission:
empowerment through leveraging psychology from a youth perspective, promoting mental health awareness and inclusivity
create a future where young people are equipped with the resilience to overcome challenges and make meaningful, positive contributions to society
inspire youth to embrace their strengths and develop the tools needed for personal growth and collective well-being
Our Vision:
address immediate short-term concerns while equipping a growth mindset for the long term
foster an inclusive & empathetic culture, promoting a greater understanding of mental health and Special Educational Needs
destigmatising mental health disorders, creating a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to seek help and embrace their unique challenges
Our Mission:
Offer networking opportunities and career development support for UK-based Hong Kong students and young professionals in the field of psychology. Provide culturally sensitive, community-based wellbeing support to Hong Kongers in the UK.
Our Vision:
To empower British Hong Kong students to excel in their psychology careers To enhance access to psychological interventions for the British Hong Kong community.